Hair Care
Quick Natural Hair Care Tips For Busy Working Moms
Being a working mom can be tough. Although your time is limited, you have to get your children to look presentable, feed them, and somehow manage to find time to get yourself together too. Whew, it can be exhausting! Fortunately, you’re not alone. Plenty of working moms face the same dilemmas and challenges that you face, every day. To help make your lives a little easier, we’ve compiled a list of natural hair care tips for busy working moms.
Find Multi-Use Products
As a busy working mom, you shouldn’t have to be bogged down with dealing with a ton of products. Don’t overcomplicate the process. There are ways to provide effective natural hair maintenance without using a ton of product. To cut down on time, try using one product that serves multiple functions. A really effective method for moisturizing natural hair is to use conditioner as your moisturizer. Many naturals have had huge success with simply keeping the conditioner in the hair. It’s one less step, and one less thing you have to worry about.
Another great alternative is making your own products. If you create a product that has all of the necessary ingredients to style and refresh your child’s natural hair, then you will only need the one bottle of DIY spray when it comes time to do it.
Master Simple Styles
While we are huge fans of the creative natural do’s, they sometimes can take up a huge amount of time. Spending hours installing curlformers into your little one’s head can really suck the fun out of bonding time, particularly if your little one is anxious and you are in a rush. Have in your mind two go two hairstyles that are either really quick to do, or you only need to style them once a week.
For instance, while twists are time consuming, this is a style that will last throughout the week, and you should only need to do it once. This is a huge time saver! If you know of to cornrow, you can choose a cute braided design for your child’s hair that will last for at least two weeks. This is, of course, if you tie the hair down at night with a satin scarf or satin bonnet and make sure to moisturize the hair and scalp throughout the week.
You can also style the hair into a top bun or two ponytails. Spray the hair throughly with a moisturizing spritz and brush up into a ponytail. Accessorize with a cute headband or ponytail holder, and viola! Instant cute do!
Follow a Quick Hair Care Regimen
If washday, or preparing for washday, takes up a lot of your time, consider shortening it a bit. If your child isn’t one that gets a lot of dirt and sand in their hair throughout the day, then you should be able to get away with washing your child’s hair every two weeks, as opposed to every week. Just make sure to moisturize the hair.
Get Organized
Sometimes, part of what makes things go longer than planned is simply not having a plan to begin with! Create a weekly or biweekly regimen for your young natural. Knowing what you are going to do, and in what order, can make it easier for you to plan other things throughout the week. Some things to keep in mind: a list of shampoos and conditioners that work best for your child, what day to do a washday, when to trim, how many days and which days to moisturize; these are all things that you should plan out and organize. But more importantly, once you have it planned out, make sure you stick to the schedule.
Also, keep all of your hair products and tools in one centralized location. You would be surprised at how much time is wasted trying to locate the detangling brush or shea butter! Keeping track and organizing your tools ahead of time will definitely help!
Dealing with natural hair doesn’t have to be impossible just because you’re a busy mom. Having multi-use products, mastering simple styles and staying organized will help you tremendously!
P.S. We just want you to know that you all are rockstars. Your children wouldn’t be their beautiful lovely selves without you. And for that, you deserve a pat on the back. We just want to add that while you’re taking care of your little naturals, don’t forget to do self-care for yourself. After all, you deserve it!