Growth and Maintenance
4 Ways to Grow Your Child’s Hair Fast
Healthy hair growth is one of the best indications that you are properly taking care of your child’s natural hair. Many parents, after trying every tip and hack imaginable, still struggle with how to get their child’s hair to grow. Here are a few ways to get your African American child’s hair to grow.
Keep Your Hands Off
Keep your hands out of and off off your child’s hair. The more you manipulate the hair the more susceptible it is to damage and breakage. Our children’s natural hair is very fragile and delicate and if you continue to touch the hair you are running the risk of breaking off any new hair growth that you’ve worked so hard to grow. Keep hair in protective styles to resist the urge to constantly touch their hair.
Protective Styles Are Your Friends
When you style your brown baby’s hair into a protective style, you are extending the amount of until you need to style the hair again. Protective styles secure the ends of your little one’s hair so that they aren’t exposed to snagging, drying and other harsh environments. Colder weather, especially during the Fall and Winter months, can cause hair to easily dry and frizz. Protecting the strands keeps hair healthy and allows it to grow.
Wash Hair In Sections
The worst thing that you can do during washday is wash your child’s natural hair all at once. Shampoos, while most are sulfate free and natural, still can dry out hair. When hair is shampooed it is stripped of its natural oils and dries quickly. Since it’s no longer moisturized, it is more difficult to detangle. Difficult detangling sessions mean pain and discomfort for your child (can we say tears!). It also means that it will take you longer to detangle the hair and makes hair susceptible to extreme breakage.
Part the hair into four sections and wash each section individually. If you recently took down your child’s hairstyle, use those ready made parts to wash her hair in sections. After you thoroughly wash one section and rinse out the shampoo, apply a large amount of conditioner and let it penetrate the hair while you shampoo the other sections. Continue until all of the sections have been washed and conditioned. While the conditioner is still in the hair, gently detangle the hair with your fingers or a wide tooth comb.
Consistency is Key
All of the information in the world is no substitute for lack of consistency. If you only deep condition once every blue moon and detangle with a fine tooth comb, you are almost guaranteed to stunt your kid’s hair growth. You also run the risk of shortening the hair due to hair damage. Start your child’s routine off simple. Wash hair over the weekend. Use the LOC Method to seal in moisture. Style the hair into a protective style, spray a moisturizer on the hair every 2 days or more frequent depending on your child’s hair. Repeat this routine every 2 weeks and you are on your way to nourishing your child’s hair to waist length.
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