Growth and Maintenance
Guest Post: 5 Natural Hair Tips for New Parents
Whether they come out with a head full hair at birth or it comes in later, being a parent new to natural hair care can cause some anxiety. I went natural (again) after my daughter was born because I had no clue how to take care of hair in its natural state. Through trial, error, and a whole lot of research, I bring you these five starter tips that have helped me in our journey to healthy hair.
1. Step away from the comb
I had no idea that the comb could actually do more harm than good. I had the bright idea of combing my child’s hair dry one day…never again! I’ve learned to detangle my child’s hair with my hands only when wet or saturated with conditioner. You have to be as gentle as possible and use a product that gives you A LOT of slip when running your fingers through it. If you do comb-use a wide tooth comb and comb while wet from the tips to the roots. Your daughter’s hair will thank you for it.
2. Protective styles are your friend
Protective styles are hairstyles that protects the ends of your hair from breaking and over exposure to harsh elements. These styles include two-strand twists, flat twists, cornrows, braids, buns, up-dos, wigs, weaves, etc. Protective styles will save you time, help maintain your sanity, and promote growth. The less manipulation on a daily basis, the better to retain length and promote a healthy head of hair. It is also a life saver when you have to go out and pressed for time to do hair. To ensure that the style lasts for longer than a few days, make sure to tie the hair up at night with a satin scarf or satin bonnet. Also, please be careful not to braid too tight, we want to save those edges!
3. Trim ends when necessary
Damaged ends can mean disaster for a head full of natural coils or curls. Split ends can compromise hair all the way to the root if not caught in time. Look to a hairdresser you trust ask and them to take a look at your child’s ends and trim if necessary. Try not to get upset if they trim away a lot of your child’s length. You don’t want to save damaged ends for the sake of length. It’s hair. It will grow back. Hopefully, if you begin a healthy hair care routine for your child, this will be the last time that your hair stylist will need to cut so much off.
4. Keep it moisturized
I have actually tried the LOC (Liquid, Oil, and Creme) method on my 4 year old and it works wonders. Every head of hair is different so you will need to find the right combination of products that works for her hair. I started with the Shea Moisture line. Keeping your little one’s hair moisturized prevents breakage and promotes healthy hair. I use coconut oil to keep my little’s one scalp from getting too dry. Coconut oil is great as a sealant, styling aid, deep conditioner, and detangler. If you are interested in customizing your child’s products so that you know exactly what you are putting in her hair, I recommend that you buy the DIY Natural Hair Recipe book. In it you will find over 50 recipes that will assist you with keeping your child’s hair moisturized.
5. Patience
Patience while doing your child’s hair is essential. Whether it’s whining because its wash day or squirming through the styling process; patience will save your sanity and keep you from inadvertently causing damage to your child’s hair out of frustration. I have learned the hard way to never do your hair or your child’s hair when you are angry or agitated. It does not end well.
Written by Lola I.
Mother to a very lovely and opinionated 3 year old