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4 Ways to Stay Motivated During Your Child’s Natural Hair Journey

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So you’ve decided to return your hair to its natural state, and even better, your little one is on the natural hair journey with you. You started out incredibly excited. You watched vlogs, scoured the Internet for inspiration, followed all of your favorite natural hair social media accounts and set up a weekly routine for your child’s hair. But then…reality set in. You start to become overwhelmed by the amount of work it takes to upkeep natural hair, and yes, it does take work. Or perhaps, your child’s hair isn’t growing as fast as you had hoped. Now, you’re feeling incredibly frustrated. And guess what? It’s completely normal!


Staying motivated on this natural hair care roller coaster is truly one of the most challenging parts. You may be met with opposition from all ends of the spectrum, including from your family members and friends. Some people really just don’t get it and it can be extremely aggravating. It’s especially challenging if you’ve never had or handled natural hair before. At some point, you may just want to say forget it. But don’t. Stay the course! If you find yourself at your wits end, here are some tips for staying motivated during your child’s natural hair journey.


Find a Community


Community is so important. A really great one will motivate you, inspire you, and support you. There are many ways you can go about finding a natural hair community. Talk to other natural hair mommy’s in the area where you live. Set up play dates for your little ones. Use the bonding time, as an opportunity to vent out your frustrations, exchange ideas, and just let loose and relax. If you don’t know any other naturals around you, consider joining, where you can get to know other naturals in your area. If there are no natural hair meetups, consider starting your own, for mother’s with kids who have natural hair. You’d be surprised at how many other natural mamas would love to join your group!


Visit Message Boards and Forums

natural hair forums

This kind of goes hand in hand with community. Sometimes your tribe may be online. There are hundreds of message boards, forums, and blogs on the internet, dedicated to natural hair. As you search online, you’ll notice that you’re not alone. Any negative thought you may have had, others have thought and then some. Go to the message boards, and ask questions, seek inspiration, or learn new information. Here are some great natural hair forums to check out:


Make It Fun


Hey, we know that natural hair can take some work, but don’t forget to have fun during the process. Growing your child’s hair will not happen overnight, so you might as well enjoy the ride. Have a daughter and me, or son and me day, where your little ones can get in on the fun! Go online, look at Pinterest boards or check out vlogs on YouTube. Ask them their thoughts on certain hairstyles. Create a vision board or a look book for your child, and make it a party. The more fun you have, the easier it will be to deal with those moments of weakness.


Keep it Simple


Doing natural hair is major upkeep. Of course, doing all of the fancy styles can be fun, but sometimes your hands may need a break, and so will your little one. Don’t forget, that they have to be patient as well, sitting still for hours, while you style their hair. It’s okay to stick your child’s hair in a bun or a ponytail for a day. I’m guilty of covering my daughter’s edges with a wide turban headband on those days when we oversleep and are rushing to school in the morning.

You don’t have to always go all out. And that’s okay. You’re a parent, a GOOD parent, and you’re allowed to take a break when you need it, for your own sanity.


Having a family of naturals is literally one of the best things you could have. Not only is it a great learning experience, but it’s great for bonding too! Feeling unmotivated is normal, but don’t let that feeling consume you. Never forget why you decided to start your natural hair journey in the first place. Remember to keep it all in perspective. After all, it’s just hair. Stay motivated, my (natural) friends!